Preventing Moisture Buildup on Low Slope Roofing

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Preventing Moisture Buildup on Low Slope Roofing

Your low-slope roofing is a critical layer of protection between the weather outside and the interior of your commercial building. Because it is constantly exposed to things like wind, rain, sun, snow, and more, it’s also an extremely vulnerable part of your building. Moisture buildup, and the ensuing problems that accompany that issue, is of particular concern to anyone who takes care of commercial roofing in Utah. Here are some ways to identify a problem, fix it, and prevent it from happening in the future.

Inspect Regularly

One of the best ways to prevent problems on commercial roofing is to inspect it on a regular basis. Every business should have a clearly defined inspection plan that includes two to four roofing inspections each year, or more if you think that your roof might be prone to damage or if it’s getting older. Check for standing water or areas that don’t appear to be draining properly, and carefully inspect seams and edges. Since these roofs can be particularly sensitive to traffic, you may want to hire a professional roofing contractor to perform the inspections to avoid unnecessary damage that might occur when an inexperienced inspector walks on the roof. A professional will also be able to spot problems that a novice may not notice.

Understand Flat Roofing Issues

Even small mistakes on a low-slope or flat commercial roof in Utah can add up to big damage over time, especially if that mistake allows moisture to build up in any area of the roof. In addition, flat roofing is more prone to condensation issues than steeper slope options, which means your building is at higher risk for mold, mildew, and rotting under the roof.


The most common place where your commercial roofing is likely to spring a leak is around flashing and penetrations. Flashing is placed around anything that protrudes from the top of the roof, as well as around the edges. This seals off the area and prevents moisture from getting in the cracks where it would most likely find a way under the roofing surface. However, if your flashing is rusted or damaged, it’s the most likely place where water can get in. Other penetrations, such as the chimneys, vents, plumbing pipes, and roof-mounted cooling systems can also be areas of risk.

Insulation Risks

In a cold climate like Utah, insulation can also be a problem. Specifically, when snow and cold air outside meet warmer air from inside the building, you could get condensation that will build up in the insulation, causing serious risk for mold. Proper ventilation could help avoid some of these problems, and should be checked by your commercial roofing contractor.

Keep your commercial roofing in Utah free from moisture buildup and prevent water damage over time by inspecting, ventilating, and repairing damages regularly.